
音标/读音 ['mʌlti'pә:pәs]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

[计] 多用途的, 通用的, 多功能的

s. having multiple uses



For your information, senor, it is a multipurpose table.

我更正一下 那个叫多功能桌

And then you could have that multipurpose room where you could shower and cook.

这样你就可以拥有那个 又能洗澡又能煮饭的多功能房间了

Well, I say screwdriver, but it's a bit more multipurpose than that.

虽然我叫它起子 但其实用途要更多些

I feel so bad your room is such a multipurpose space.


We can rent out the multipurpose room after school to local clubs.

我们可以在课后 把综合教室租给当地社团俱乐部

Well, I'd still use the bathroom and the kitchen for showering and cooking, but I would use the multipurpose room for everything else, and I'd be living across the hall from my ex and his new girlfriend.

我还是会在浴室和厨房里 洗澡和煮饭 不过我可以在多功能房间里 做其它任何事 而且我前男友和他新女友 就住在走廊对面