
音标/读音 ['pju:trid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 腐败的
[医] 腐败的, 恶臭的

a. of or relating to or attended by putrefaction
s. in an advanced state of decomposition and having a foul odor
s. morally corrupt or evil



If it were the putrid throat, you'd soon know it.

如果真是白喉 早就能发现了

I should have turned your putrid mother away.


This is a putrid, disgusting bowl of ethical soup.

就像一碗变质的汤 品质已经大大的坏了

Soon I'll be dead, and you will still be more putrid than I.

我就要死了 但你比我的尸身更令人作呕

This is worse than yer last putrid concoction.


Like, even if it's wrapped up, you can *ell it, and it's putrid.

哪怕它已经被包起来 你也能闻到 都腐烂了

You have a singular gift for repellent rhetoric and putrid demagoguery.

你唯一的天赋在于善用令人作呕的修饰语 来蛊惑民心

As for the tins, we've now inspected every one and tossed out the putrid.

至于那些罐头 我们已经逐一检查 扔掉了那些腐坏的

But now, the putrid little primate that you shelled out your shekels to see.

不过现在轮到你们花钱来看的 恶心的小灵长类动物登场了

Hearst won't take long before he honors the rigors of his putrid *in' nature.

赫斯特很快就会 暴露他那恶心*的本性