
音标/读音 [di'stend]
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◎ 单词释义

v. (使)膨胀, (使)扩张

v. cause to expand as it by internal pressure
v. swell from or as if from internal pressure



His abdomen is more distended than before the surgery.


Distended neck veins. It's not his lungs.

颈动脉扩张 不是肺的原因

The ultrasound showed your colon is distended.


Our distended belly in two is nonsurgical.


He has a distended abdomen visible peristalsis.

他有膨隆腹 有可见的胃肠道蠕动

Her pale fleshy abdomen is distended with eggs.

白蚁后腹部又白又肥 因为卵而膨大

Now his bowel sounds are gone and he's distended.

而现在他肠鸣消失了 他又腹胀

His abdomen's more distended, and his pain is getting worse.

他的腹部膨胀更厉害了 他也更疼了

Goldstein found nothing but a distended bladder.

除了膀胱膨胀之外 戈尔茨坦一无所获

He's agitated, abdomen's distended, no bowel sounds.

他很激动 腹部肿胀 没有肠鸣音