
音标/读音 [.emplɒi'i:]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 职员, 员工, 受雇人员
[化] 职工; 雇员

n. a worker who is hired to perform a job



See, I believe that happy employees are good employees and good employees are good for business.

我相信 快乐的员工才是好员工 而好员工对生意是大有益处的

When an employee does a great job, that employee needs to be rewarded.

当雇员的工作非凡无比 这个雇员就该被奖励

Bosses the employees, but still an employee themselves, which means a lot of control issues, something to prove.

管其他员工 但自己本身又是雇员 所以他们控制欲很强 总想要证明什么

According to the employee handbook, which you wrote, an employee cannot leave without giving two weeks' notice.

根据雇员手册 你写的那本 员工离职 必须提前两周告知雇主

I would have sat her down and explained my sincere belief that there are boundaries between employer and employee which exist specifically to protect said employer from accidentally seeing the employee prancing around in her big cotton grannypanties.

我會先讓她坐下來,然後先跟她表現我的誠意 再來跟她解釋,僱主和僱員之間是要有界限的 尤其要防止僱主意外地看到 僱員穿著她巨大的棉質老年褲在房間裏走來走去的樣子!

The more employees you have, the more you have to worry about.

雇员越多 你需要担心的也就越多

Not employees would be out on the street if it wasn't for me.


But here, in this hospital, you're my employee.

但在这家医院里 你是我的雇员

The employees were you and your sister.


Only because he's an employee and he was on the clock.

只是因为他是一名员工 而他当时正在值班