
音标/读音 ['gæmbl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 赌博, 冒险
v. 赌博, 孤注一掷

n. money that is risked for possible monetary gain
n. a risky act or venture
v. take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome
v. play games for money



I don't gamble. It wouldn't really be gambling, because... I'm dealing.

我不赌博 说不上是赌博 因为是我在发牌

You know about his gambling problems and then the drinking, and the drinking feeds the gambling and vice versa, and the whole thing is just a downward spiral.

你知道他的赌博恶习 还有酗酒 酗酒和赌博相互滋长 整件事就是个恶性循环

You heard him; I'm gambling him out.

你听到他说的话了 我赌博保他出来

It's not about gambling. It's about systems.

不是赌博的问题 是系统的问题

No, you can't be in here gambling with *s.

不 你不能在这里和成年人赌博

It was unwise for me to have gambled.

對我來說 賭博是不智之舉

And this is the result. I didn't gamble it.

而这就是下场 我没有赌

It's not my fault she's a gambling addict.


I'm not supposed to be gambling. I'm in a program.

我不應該去賭博 我在做一個項目

Time and again he gambles with our lives.
