
音标/读音 ['frʌktәus]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 果糖
[化] 果糖; 左旋糖

n. a simple sugar found in honey and in many ripe fruits



It's all about the balance of glucose and fructose.


The fructose in the strawberry masks the taste of the alcohol.

草莓中含有的果糖 掩盖了酒精的味道

I live on birthday cake and high fructose corn syrup.

我靠生日蛋糕 以及高浓度果葡糖浆生存

Honeys higher in fructose like this will stay in their runny form.

果糖含量更高的蜂蜜 像这种 会保持一种稀薄的状态

Bring bail money and anything in the kitchen with "high fructose corn syrup" on the label.

拿钱来保释我们 还有 厨房里标签为"果葡糖浆"的东西全给我带来

Molly would kill me if she saw me drinking that high fructose corn syrup delivery device.

莫莉如果看到我喝这种高浓度果葡糖浆 一定会杀了我