
音标/读音 [di'traitәs]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 碎石
[医] 腐质, 碎屑

n. loose material (stone fragments and silt etc) that is worn away from rocks



So let's start off with something pretty simple, some detritus, some leaves, twigs, that sort of thing.

我们先从很简单的东西开始 一些碎渣 树叶 细枝之类的东西

Australians call it the litter bug because it cleans up the forest floor eating leaves and detritus.

澳大利亚人称之为落叶虫 因为它能通过进食树叶和碎屑 清理森林地面

Well, I mean, they're really about the universal themes of art, the explosive moment of inspiration, the randomness of our creation, the marks of detritus we leave on others' lives.

我的意思是 它们代表着 艺术最本质的主题 灵感的爆发 我们创作的随机性 在他人的生命中留下的碎屑的痕迹

I ran samples from the body, shovel and burlap through the gas chromatograph, and it all came back full of organic compounds: plant detritus, root remnants, fertilizer.

我用气相色谱仪检测了 所有在尸体 铲子和麻布上面的取样 然后满满的都是有机化合物 植物腐屑 根部残余 肥料