
音标/读音 [,eәrәu'bætik]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 特技飞行的



He'll undoubtedly engage in some aerobatic insanity before he'll risk harming a hair on a security guard's head.

他肯定又会执着于某些惊险特技 而不愿意去伤害那些保安的一根毫毛

And although the torpedo's aerobatics are certainly entertaining, annoyingly for our mythbusters it's a long way off the direct hit of the myth.

׵ؼзdzȤ սȴ ǻûֱ

Bats with their fluttering zigzag flight are not easy targets, and a hawk needs all its aerobatics skills and powers of concentration if it is to snatch one out of the confusing multitude.

蝙蝠呈Z字形飞行 并不容易捕捉 要从数量众多的蝙蝠中抓住一只 鵟要使出浑身解数 全神贯注