
音标/读音 [rɪ'kɒtə]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 意大利乳清干酪

n. soft Italian cheese like cottage cheese



And with the ricotta, this tastes brilliant.

配合乳清干酪 味道美极了

The special is a brownsugar ricotta and egg raviolo.


First up, fluffy blueberry and ricotta pancakes, with yoghurt.


Sara, I went crazy on summer vegetables on a bed of ricotta for you.

萨拉 给你的 夏蔬辅以意大利乳清干酪

Special order ricotta gnocchi, chanterelles, and sage brown butter.

为您定制的乳酪饺 加了鸡油菌菇和鼠尾草黄油

Now, a nice spoon of ricotta, a little touch of salt and pepper.

加一大勺美味的意大利乳清干酪 少许盐和胡椒

Lastly, the ricotta is accompanied by roasted beets, nettle pesto, crushed pistachios, and focaccia.

最后是乳清干酪配烤甜菜 蕁麻香蒜醬 碎開心果和香草橄欖面包

Next, fold in 125 grams of creamy ricotta cheese, and 100 grams of fresh blueberries.

接着 和入125克乳清干酪 和100克新鲜蓝莓

You should like a whole bunch of other photos to offset how weird it is that you liked her lemon ricotta pancakes from 273 weeks ago.

你多点一些其他的照片 不然她肯定会奇怪 你为什么要点赞她273周前的柠檬乳清煎饼

Today, we have caviar on homemade blinis with a dollop of crème fraîche or poached wild salmon with hollandaise and ricotta avocado crostini cups.

今天有手工薄饼加鱼子酱 再加一点法式酸奶油 或是荷兰汁水煮野生三文鱼 以及意式干酪鳄梨面包片杯