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[医] 青春期前的

s. (especially of human beings) at the age immediately before puberty; often marked by accelerated growth



Yeah, but it's like they're making me prepubescent.


Oxygen is so important during those prepubescent years.


Acne isn't a rash and it isn't contagious, you prepubescent wastoid.

痤疮不是红疹 而且也不传染 你个没发育的废物

Don't play dumb, you prepubescent piece of shit.

别装傻了 你这乳臭未干的小*

I think we're capable of handling a bunch of prepubescent kids.

我觉得我们有能力 管得住这些乳臭未干的小屁孩

If he's prepubescent it would also explain why there's no sexual experimentation on the victims.

如果他是青少年 也就解释了 被害人身上为何没有性侵犯痕迹

As long as he's not jumping out of his chair like a prepubescent schoolgirl.

但他像个青春期的小女生 居然从凳子上弹起来

Hyper prepubescent balls of contradiction that I love more than anything.

前青春期的叛逆期 我最喜欢了

That's a prepubescent photocopy that got botched in the time jump.

那只是一份在时间跳跃时 搞砸了的青春期前影印件而已

She's completely manipulating him with her sly little looks and her prepubescent breasts.

她用她狡猾的眼神 和刚发育的胸部完全操控了他