
音标/读音 ['pʌmpәnikl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 裸麦粉粗面包

n bread made of coarse rye flour



Oh, * yeah. I take that piece of burnt‐ass toast, put it between two pieces of *in' pumpernickel, have a burnt‐toast pumpernickel sandwich.

肯定的 我拿那个烧焦的吐司 夹在两片裸麦粗面包中间 做成粗麦面包夹焦吐司三明治吃

There's only so much pumpernickel in the world.


Our favorite breads hers brioche, mine a homebaked pumpernickel.

我们最喜欢的面包 她喜欢奶油蛋卷 我喜欢自制裸麦粉粗面包

Man, I'm like the mayonnaise in a pumpernickel genius sandwich.

天啊 我像是天才裸麦粉粗面包三明治里的蛋黄酱

So I'm going to literally get this pumpernickel bread, and I've got some of that seal fat.

我真的要 用这个黑麦粗面包 我还有一些海豹油

And for my second dish I'll be *oking the salmon belly to layer onto my pumpernickel toast.

我的第二道菜是烟熏鲑鱼腹肉 搭配黑麦粗面包