
音标/读音 ['læmpri]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 八目鳗

n. primitive eellike freshwater or anadromous cyclostome having round sucking mouth with a rasping tongue



You're saying that it wasn't caused by the lampreys when they ate the mandibular muscle.

你是说这不是七鳃鳗在吞食 下颌肌肉时所造成的

A river crab discovers just how slippery lampreys are.


Well, the lampreys were feeding on the corpse, which means they've ingested all sorts of useful stuff.

七鳃鳗把尸体当作食物给吃了 所以它们咽下了不少有用的证据

As you'll recall, the lampreys left significant abrasion marks on the clavicles, the scapula, the mandible and the maxilla.

你应该记得 七鳃鳗在锁骨 肩胛骨 下颌骨和上颌骨上 留下了明显的擦痕

The channel also harbors some strangelooking creatures: brook lampreys, primitive jawless fish that resemble eels.

水渠中还生长着一些长相古怪的生物 比如溪圆口鱼 还有看似鳗鱼的原始无颚鱼