
音标/读音 [ri'vʌlʃәn]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 剧变, 厌恶, 强烈反感
[医] 诱导法

n intense aversion



Your trypophobia isn't simply a biological revulsion.


So I cannot look on love, on carnal love, without revulsion.

我无法想到爱 肉体之爱 而不感到反感

You couldn't even hide your look of revulsion when she came back.

当她回来时 你脸上满是厌恶之情

I mean, despite your proclaimed revulsion, you can't deny that there's a connection between us.

我是说 尽管你明确说你厌恶我 但你不能否认我俩之间确实有种默契

Even the slightest appearance of inauthenticity elicits a sense of revulsion.

哪怕一点点的不真实感 都会招致人反感

From that time, I suppose, dates my revulsion against the press, my dislike of journalists and of crowds.

我想 我是从那时开始反感媒体 厌倦记者和大众的关注

I actually think that some of the revulsion against them was it's an unnatural act, and it is an act that threatens the very fabric of society.

我真的认为对父母的一些厌恶 是一种反常行为 这种行为威胁到了社会的基本结构

What an ordinary man feels as pain or revulsion a real soldier must learn to feel as pleasure.

普通人所感受的痛苦与厌恶 一个真正的军人反而要学会享受它们

I must ask you to put out of your mind any feelings of sympathy or revulsion you may feel for anyone involved in this case.

我必须要求你们 对此案的相关人员不得掺杂任何 同情或是厌恶的个人情绪