
音标/读音 ['kʌdl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 搂抱, 拥抱
vt. 抚抱, 抱着睡, 拥抱
vi. 依偎, 依偎着躺在一起

n. a close and affectionate (and often prolonged) embrace
v. move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cozy position
v. hold (a person or thing) close, as for affection, comfort, or warmth



you needed a cuddle... and I wasn't there.

当你需要一个拥抱的时候 我不在你身边

He cuddles them... with their own unicorn.


And then cuddled her with her own unicorn.


Are you kidding me? I live for cuddling.

开什么玩笑 我就是为拥抱而生的

We're women; there was lots of cuddling.

我们是女人 一直在拥抱

Wait, there's no cuddle fort down here.

慢着 这里没有抱抱堡垒

I don't suppose we could have a moment of cuddling.


But you can't cuddle with an angry spoon.

但小勺子生气呢 没法抱

They hold you and grab for you and you cuddle them.

他们抱着你 伸手找你 你抱着他们

No! I'm not gonna cuddle with you. I'm busy.

不行 我不会抱你的 我很忙