
音标/读音 [ә'nɒnimәs]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 姓氏不详的, 无名的, 无特色的
[计] 无记录

a. having no known name or identity or known source
s. not known or lacking marked individuality



Part of anonymity is having a large number of people who are also anonymous because you can't be anonymous on your own.

匿名的精髓在于有一大群人 这群人也是匿名的 因为你无法凭借一己之力实现匿名

I have a friend who can make those anonymous emails way less anonymous.

我有个朋友 可以把那些匿名邮件 变得没那么匿名

Except they're not so anonymous to you.


He's the only one who's anonymous in all of this.


But most of all, I love the anonymity.

但我最爱的是 在这里大可隐姓埋名

We can't put her on if she's anonymous.

如果她不透露姓名 就不能报道

That was an anonymous suggestion and it wasn't it wasn't me.

那是个匿名建议 而且还不是...不是我提的

Anonymity is the bedrock of our work.


Like it or not, the age of anonymity is over.

不管你愿不愿意 匿名时代已经过去了

No. I promised him he'd stay anonymous.

不行 我答应他不公开的