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◎ 单词释义

[计] 减慢

r. more slowly



Our driver said he was worried about his shock absorbers, and he was going slower and slower.

司机担心汽车减震器会出毛病 所以他开得越来越慢

Well, because the light waves from the lamp are slower than the light waves from the window, and slower light waves go from yellow to orange to red, and faster light waves go from blue to violet.

因为灯泡里光的波速 低于窗户外光的波速 波速低的光分布从*到橙色再到红色 波速高的光分布从蓝色到紫色

He's slower than me, but not by much.

他是比我差 但也没差多少

..but I don't think we've had anyone slower.


I'm slower than I used to be, unfortunately.


But I'm slower now, I do not feel as I did.

可我变得迟钝了 不像以前那样敏锐

Say that again, but slower. I know what I want.

再說一遍 慢點說 我知道我想要什么了

If I move any slower, I'll be going in reverse.

如果我速度再慢点 就该成倒带了

It's going much slower than I would like.


Any slower and we'd come to a dead stop.
