
音标/读音 ['leksikәn]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 词汇, 词典, 辞典
[计] 辞典

n a language user's knowledge of words
n a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them



I think there should be a lexicon of bad words.


These dreams don't seem to be leading us to the lexicon.


And that word "posed" got into the lexicon of the problem.


Fortunately your lexicon provides us with the means to conceal the unpalatable.

幸运的是 你的词典为我们提供了 掩盖一切不愉快的方法

And they kept a strict control over that name, but it still made it into the lexicon.

他们严格地控制着它的商标权 但是还是被收录进词典里了

Well, I, too, can reach back into familial lexicon for bracing truths.

我也可以去家族字典里找找 令人振奋的真相怎么说

What I'm doing is I'm trying to capture vocal sequences between elephants in the clearing in order to build up an elephant lexicon, what these vocalisations mean.

我现在的工作就是努力 找寻象群在盐湖沐浴时的叫声 与行为的对应关系 以期建立一部关于象的行为词典