
音标/读音 ['ɒ:dinәrili]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adv. 通常, 普通, 一般地

r under normal conditions



You have ideas that you ordinarily wouldn't have.


Ordinarily, I would not say this, but they're dogs.

通常我不會說這個 但它們是狗

Ordinarily, we'd be taking your intakes separately.

一般来说 我们都是分开进行填写的

Ordinarily, it would be bad enough having them spinning each other up about it.

按常理说 这样很不妙 不应该看他们互相残杀

Ordinarily, I wouldn't tell you this, knowing your feelings.

本来我不会跟你说这话 我懂你的心情

Ordinarily I'd ask if you were sorry now.

通常 我应该问问你 有没有后悔

Ordinarily, but lew here is on a very tight schedule.

通常是这样的 但现在时间很紧

Ordinarily, the police would share their files with us.

一般而言 警方会和我们分享所有资料

Jeffrey, you know ordinarily I do anything you say.

杰夫瑞 你知道通常我对你是言听计从

Ordinarily, I would, but medicolegal investigator got it wrong.

通常来说我会的 但法医调查员出错了