
音标/读音 [bɔp]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 一击

n. an early form of modern jazz (originating around 1940)
v. dance the bebop



It'd be just a quick bop, then we just bop in and bop back.

就简单见个面 速战速决

I like to get out of my space, bop around.

我喜欢走出私人空间 跳着博普舞

came on in my head, and I was just bopping along to it.

在我脑子里回响 所以我就跟着节奏在点头

He just stands in the back and bops his head.


I don't want your mom to come in and, like, bop me on the head.

我可不想你老妈进来后 敲我的脑袋

But anyway, II couldn't keep the guy off my couch no matter how many times I bopped him on the nose.

总之这猫就老是挠我的沙发 不管我怎么管教都没用

I bopped him pretty good, but I guess he must have caught his head on the door or something when he went down.

我下手重了点 不过我想他是因为头撞到了门 还是怎么的才倒地死了的

I got to say, it's nice to finally cut with a surgeon who appreciates a little hard bop.

我得说 终于能和一个欣赏硬波普爵士乐的 外科医生一起做手术 真是太棒了