
音标/读音 [bul]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 公牛
[法] 买方, 买空者

n. uncastrated adult male of domestic cattle
n. a large and strong and heavyset man
n. a serious and ludicrous blunder
n. uncomplimentary terms for a policeman



And the bull, the bull is indeed a bull in full charge front and back legs tensed.

而这头公牛也蓄势待发 前后腿紧绷

You ran with the bulls? I ran with the bulls.

你和牛赛跑 我和牛赛跑

All this talk of this festival honoring the bulls is bull.


About a nice bull who has to go to the bull fight.


The bull fighter's taking the bull away in the other direction.


I'll have my pension on it that's a pit bull stolen, and he's a pit bull handler.

我敢拿我的养老金打赌 是他的斗犬*了 他是个斗犬驯师

When we were children we would climb into the bull pens and wait for the bulls to turn on us.

小的时候 我们翻进牛圈 等公牛过来顶我们

制片人 where you see one bull paired equally against another bull.

弗雷迪·迪瓦斯 双方实力相当的 打斗场面

In bull riding, half your score is based upon how long you stay on the bull.

在騎*賽中 騎手的得分 有一半要看他在牛背上能呆多久

Muted by the mass of the bull, the apparatus appears alive because the sounds inside are like those of a real bull.

铜牛会蒙住他的叫声 而这个刑具就会变得栩栩如生 因为里面的声音 就像是一头真正公牛的叫声