
音标/读音 ['einәs]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 肛门
[医] 肛门

n. the excretory opening at the end of the alimentary canal



You're obsessed with anuses, I'm not interested in anuses.

是你在对*很痴迷 我对它可没兴趣

And...she cut me open from my vagina to my anus.

可是 她把我下面 从*到*都割开了

You can't show your *, your anus, your testicles.

不能露* 菊花和蛋蛋

Well, that's not anus shingles, but it's comparable.

虽然不是*带状疱疹 但也差不多

Short of you having anus shingles, there's no reason for you not to be here.

除非你有*带状疱疹 不然赶紧过来

It's where they cut you open from vagina to anus.


This cream was made from whale anus.


The * is supposed to penetrate the vagina, not the anus.

*就应该插* 而不是*

You don't make that pinched anus face anymore.


But it gave my anus confidence, and that's half the battle.

但是让我的排便问题好转了 也算是有所收获