
音标/读音 ['wә:kmәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 工人, 工匠, 男工

n. an employee who performs manual or industrial labor



I do have a commercial license, but I don't have workman's comp.

我确实有商业执照 但没有工人赔偿金

Now, I want you to be careful here as we go by the workman.

大家小心點 工人在干活

It's a mortal sin to defraud a workman of his wages.


The neighbors are renovating their apartment, and the workman left his radio on.

我邻居在装修公寓 装修工人临走时没关音响

The *s were the workman class, the squares were the gentry, the circles were the most respected of all.

三角形是工薪阶层 正方形是贵族阶级 圆形是最尊贵的

And the last time I did that, I was a young workman, and I was fooled into thinking the other men liked me.

上一次我这么做的时候 我还是个年轻工人 我被人愚弄 误以为他们喜欢我

You're not going to sue me for workman's comp because you're distracted by a titty shot when a brick comes flying at your head.

要是你因为一张乳照分心 而被飞来的横砖杂中脑袋的话 你就算告我也是拿不到赔偿的

Freakin' kid is gonna get workman's comp, and I hear they're gonna give him a settlement so he don't sue the corporation.

那小子會得到勞工賠償 我聽說他們會給他一筆錢 這樣他就不會告公司