
音标/读音 ['renigeid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 背教者, 变节者, 脱党者
a. 背弃的, 脱离的, 叛徒的
vi. 背叛, 背弃, 脱离

n. someone who rebels and becomes an outlaw



A renegade relying only on his wits.


She's a renegade, a man in a corset.

她是个叛逆者 穿着紧身胸衣的男性

They'll be tattooed and badass and they're kind of renegades.

他们会纹身而且很强 就像一些叛逆者一样

They don't want to reward a renegade province, sir.

他们不想奖赏叛徒 总统先生

Renegade, maybe let's just cut to the scratch.

反叛者 还是直接抓伤他们吧

Some heavy duty ammo for a renegade scientist.


Renegade was breaking the law and fully aware of the consequences.

反派者违反了法律 很明白自己会有怎样的下场

I want to marry the badass social justice renegade.


You are now deemed at best a renegade, at worst a traitor.

你现在最好也是个叛逆者 最差是个叛*

Enraged, he turned renegade, swearing vengeance against his twolegged oppressors.

他怒火中烧 弃明从暗 发誓要向那些长腿的家伙报仇