
音标/读音 ['ænti.mætә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 反物质
[化] 反物质

n. matter consisting of elementary particles that are the antiparticles of those making up normal substances



Reverse the exogenic state of the antimatter wave, thereby dissipating the antimatter energy.

逆转反物质波的外成状态 从而消耗反物质能量

The "what" is that it is some sort of antimatter superweapon.


Radiation the collision of matter and antimatter.

辐射 是物质与反物质的碰撞

I thinkI think this might be antimatter.

我想 我想这可能是反物质能量波

The thing with antimatter is you have to either find it or generate it.

反物质的难题在于你要么得找到它 要么制造它

The antimatter wave has stopped and it's slowly dissipating.

反物质能量停下了 并且正在逐渐消失

Earth1 is the last stop on the antimatter trajectory.


The pod's antimatter engine was the final piece of the puzzle.


An antimatter reaction will destroy everything on the surface.


So pick a nova and fire an antimatter missile into its core.

那就找一颗新星然后向它的核心 发射反物质导弹