
音标/读音 [.kɒmpli'mentәri]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 补充的, 补足的
[经] 补足的, 补充的

s. of words or propositions so related that each is the negation of the other



Something in a brilliant cut, perhaps with complementary baguettes.


You'll begin your stay with a complementary sampling of our spa services.

你先去试试我们这里 矿泉服务吧

They even offer complementary therapies, like acupuncture.

他们甚至提供补充疗法 如针灸

Complementary forces, seeking a balance that may never come.

互补的力量 寻求一种可能永远不会出现的平衡

We used to set up complementary troubles to see how they'd interact fire and ice, that sort of thing.

我们一般都准备了互补的"麻烦" 借此来观察它们会如何相互影响 就像冰和火之类的

The first thing we saw was this idea that you had two distinct but complementary sides to your brand personality.

我们首先看到的是 你的品牌个性有着完全不同的两面 但是又可以互补

A bit like a nice hotel, you can also get complementary therapies and creative workshops, as well as dedicated support from nurses and social workers.

这里有点像一家上好的宾馆 附带补充疗法和创意工作坊 还有*和社工的专业帮助