
音标/读音 [aʊt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

pron. 任何事



They're not doing owt. It's just more talk.

他们没有行动 又只是说说而已

They said if he won't do owt, they'll lock him up.

他们说如果国王也不回复的话 他们会把国王软禁起来

You won't learn owt in there you can't learn out there.


I went to speak to the constable, and he said without information we can't do owt.

我去问过警员了 他说没有任何线索的话 我们什么也做不了

Now, you're to promise you won't cause any mischief or scream or owt like that.

现在 你要保证你不会耍花招 也不会乱喊乱叫之类的

They said we've got to pay, but I'm not paying 'cos I 'aven't got owt to give.

他们说我们得付钱 但我不会付钱 因为我根本没有钱