
音标/读音 ['rɒkiŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 摇摆的, 摇动的
[电] 摇移

v move back and forth or sideways
v cause to move back and forth


1. You were a rock star and for decades, she was your rock.

你当了几十年的摇滚明星 她一直在支持你

2. Not rocks like this, which is just an ordinary, rough, old rock with no shapes in it at all, but rocks which have *ooth mathematical curves on them that suggest a living creature.

不是这样的石头 这只是普通的石头 里面没有任何形状 我找的是上面有 平滑规则的曲线的石头 即包含着生物的石头

3. Fine, I'm in the middle of a rock and a bigger rock.

好吧 我夹在一块石头和另一块巨石中间

4. So there's this rock that sits in my stomach, this cold rock.

所以我心里一直有个疙瘩 很沉重

5. I'm sure, and it doesn't rock, except as soon as you get on it, it rocks.

我知道 它不会晃 但只要你一上去 它就开始晃了

6. is just resting on this rock, this one little rock.

只靠在这块石头上 就是这块

7. And I would sit in my rocking chair by the window, and I would rock you on my lap.

我会坐在窗边的摇椅上 抱着你在我腿上摇

8. Arguably the best rock band in rock and roll history.


9. Every damn rock was like every other damn rock.


10. He said I threw a rock, but I didn't throw a rock, no one believed me, they all believed him.

他说我扔了块石头 但我没有 没人相信我 大家都相信他说的
