
音标/读音 ['sæmәn]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 鲑鱼, 大麻哈鱼
[医] 鲑

n. any of various large food and game fishes of northern waters; usually migrate from salt to fresh water to spawn
n. a tributary of the Snake River in Idaho
n. flesh of any of various marine or freshwater fish of the family Salmonidae
n. a pale pinkish orange color



Salmon bread served with salmon butter distilled from the head of a freshly caught salmon.

鲑鱼面包配从刚抓的鲑鱼头中 蒸馏提炼的鲑鱼黄油

You want some salmon? I like salmon.

你要三文鱼吗 我喜欢三文鱼

You didn't even miss the first course, which is creamy salmon soup with a hint of salmon and the eye of a salmon hidden in the bottom of the bowl.

你连第一道菜都没有错过 这是奶油鲑鱼汤 加了一点鲑鱼 碗底还藏了一只鲑鱼眼

Salmon mongers are filed under fuchsia, because I "refuchsia" to serve salmon at this wedding.

三文鱼老板的文件夹是紫红色的 因为我拒绝在婚礼上有三文鱼这菜

The next course is salmon sabayon, which I'll pour very slowly from this little pitcher that looks like a salmon throwing up.

下一道菜是鲑鱼沙巴翁 我会非常慢地从这个小壶中倒出 看上去就像是鲑鱼在呕吐

When he sees that salmon in so many ways, for a guy that hunts on a daily basis for salmon, yet he's still excited, it's so good to see.

他见过各种各样的鲑鱼做法 对于日常生活就是捕捞鲑鱼的人来说 他还是很激动 真是太好了

I've had the salmon here and the filet.


Have a seat. I saved you some salmon.

坐下 我给你留了点三文鱼

Your mother and I had salmon at our wedding.


The salmon. I was gonna order that.

三文鱼 我正打算点这个