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◎ 单词释义

n. 莫林(女子名)



Maureen, I was glad to hear you survived.

莫琳 我很高兴你生还了

Maureen, I'll do anything, anything you need me to do.

莫琳 我愿做任何你需要我做的事

Maureen, I promise we'll send back help.

莫琳 我保证我们会派人来帮忙

Maureen says I should listen to local radio.


Maureen's coming to get what you got unless she's already there.

莫林就快到你那里问你要情报了 要么她已经到那里了

Maureen, call us crazy, we're gonna order dinner.

莫林 我们决定疯一把 点餐

Maureen went to her local hospital but both a scan and a mammogram came back negative.

莫琳到当地的医院检查 但B超和X光结果都没有异常