
音标/读音 [kә'miʃәnә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 委员, 理事, 行政长官
[法] 委员, 政府的特派员, 地方地官

n. a government administrator
n. a member of a commission



Grady told the commissioner, and then the commissioner left with them two sheeny detectives.

格雷迪通知了专员 专员就和那两个犹太警探去了

If that were true, you'd be commissioner.

如果真是那样 你都该当局长了

But I already heard from the commissioner.


And when the commissioner's happy, I'm happy.

长官高兴了 我自然也就高兴

But they called him the construction commissioner in there.


No, it was a police report. It was for the commissioner.

不 是警察報告 是局長的

I'm running for the board of county commissioners.


The commissioner sent me over to check up on your house.


I can't even tell you what I did for the commissioner for him to okay this.

别提我为了让警监同意 费了多少口舌

They know all the commissioners, so it's It's It's good to go.

他们认识那些委员 所以...还是可行的