
音标/读音 ['ʃifɔn]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 雪纺绸, 薄绸, 女子服装装饰品
a. 用薄绸制成的, 象薄绸般透明的, 因加入起沫蛋白而松软的

n. a sheer fabric of silk or rayon



It's chiffon and it's sewn to fit.

雪纺裙 缝制过使之贴身

At first only that both garments were made from chiffon.

第一 衣料都是雪纺质地

The blue chiffon I wore is my very favorite.


Earrings on, chiffon scarf, lathered in makeup.

戴着耳环 雪纺围巾 化着浓妆

I'll take the boots and the tan heels, the chiffon, the red, and this one.

我要靴子 肉色高跟 雪纺 红色的 还有这件

The middle one, they call it confit au torchon, which means it's cooked with like a veil of chiffon around it.

中间这种叫花边鹅肝 以纱布包裹卷型 香煎鹅肝