
音标/读音 [in'eptitju:d]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 不适当, 愚笨, 愚昧言行
[法] 不称职, 无能, 不适当

n unskillfulness resulting from a lack of training
n having no qualities that would render it valuable or useful



Steward's ineptitude got us into this mess.


When that belt surfaced, it shined a light on their ineptitude all over again.

那条皮带的出现 使他们的无能再度暴露无遗

My ineptitude as a parent has been made painfully clear.


You see how your lack of results could be construed as ineptitude.

你知道你的缺乏成果 可以被视为不称职吧

I am just sorry that you had to suffer his ineptitude for so long.

我很抱歉让您 长久以来忍受这种蠢货

I think we've established our ineptitude beyond a reasonable doubt.

我想别人已经认为我们 粗心大意到无可救药的地步

It was your client's ineptitude as a hu*and that drove her to drink in the first place.

是由于你的委托人没能尽到丈夫的责任 才导致她酗酒的

An innocent woman spent years in prison because of your ineptitude, not mine.

一个无辜的女人因为你的愚蠢行为 而在监狱里被关了多年 不是我的

From an evolutionary standpoint, ineptitude should be ridiculed, as to discourage that trait from the species.

从进化论的角度来说 无能之人就该被嘲笑 那样可以抑制物种落后的特性

I take umbrage at your sweeping disregard for the taxpayer and your general managerial ineptitude.

我很生气 因为你们全然无视纳税人 管理上又失职无能