
音标/读音 ['әuldi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 老人;陈旧之物



I might be playing some of the oldies.


You're listening to your favorite oldies station.


An oldie but goodie is the fake illness.

装病是个老掉牙 但却很好用的手段

I guess you're getting bored with these oldies.


Oh, and here's an oldie but a goodie, why electrons have mass.

還有個經典問題 為什么電子有質量

Ok. I present to you, crimefighters, an oldie but not such a goodie.

各位犯罪斗士们 请允许我介绍 一个老坏蛋

And anyway, I thought you liked us oldies.

再说 我以为你喜欢老的呢

Like it or not, she runs oldies night, and there's nothing more fun.

不管你喜不喜欢 金曲之夜是她举办的 而且没有比这更有意思的活动

The weak candidate theory, one of your golden oldies.

软弱候选人理论 你的惯用套路之一

Like, something mellow, you know, some oldies or something.

像是怀旧啊 老歌什么的