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中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 安雅(美国女影星)



Anya, there's a card in my back pocket.

安雅 我的后口袋里有张卡片

Anya was my mentor, before I was called to lead my people.

在我被推举领导我的人民之前 安雅曾是我的导师

Anya's last communique said she was close to unmasking him.

安雅最后一次報告 說她就快揭開那個人的真面目了

I believe anya mishkin and this traitor are part of the conspiracy.

我認為安雅·米什金和這個叛徒 合謀了此事

Captain, that bolo that I put on the stolen car that anya got into paid off.

警監 對安雅 上的那輛偷來的車發的通緝有回應了

Anya, sometimes you gotta just trust your gut and take a chance.

安雅 有时你需要相信直觉拼一把