
音标/读音 [stәul]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 女用披肩, 圣衣

n. a wide scarf worn about their shoulders by women



Stole it from the man who stole it from me.

有人偷了我 她又偷了那人

You stole from me, but I stole from you first.

你偷了我的东西 但是我先偷了你的东西

You stole it from us and you know you stole it.

是你从我们手里偷走的 你知道那都是你偷来的

No, not who stole it, like, guess who stole it.

不 我不是让你们猜是谁偷的

He stole a diamond bracelet, which then I stole back from him.

他偷了一条钻石手链 然后我偷了回来

Stole his wife, stole his film franchise.

偷走了他老婆 偷走了他的系列电影

Because they're gonna be tracking the phone I stole and the car I stole.

因为他们会追踪我偷来的手机 和我偷来的车

I got out. I stole a coat and I stole a car and I absconded.

我跑出来了 偷了一件外套和一辆车就逃了

You stole from me. I can't have that.

你偷了我的东西 我不能接受

He stole it, like he stole from me second we got home.

他偷的 就像我们一回家他就偷我的钱