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◎ 单词释义

v. 摆姿势(pose的ing形式)

n (photography) the act of assuming a certain position (as for a photograph or portrait)
v introduce
v assume a posture as for artistic purposes
v pretend to be someone you are not; sometimes with fraudulent intentions
v behave affectedly or unnaturally in order to impress others
v put into a certain place or abstract location
v be a mystery or bewildering to



They exchange pictures, so it's basically this guy posing as a chick posting dirty comments to this guy posing as a chick.

他们交换照片 这个家伙像一个少女一样摆pose 发表一些下流的评论 给这个像少女一样摆pose的家伙 这是最基本的

They're not posing for you, I assure you.

我向你保证 他们没在给你装样子

No, no, nonono, she's not here to pose for you.

不不不 她不是来给你当模特的

if your hu*and's here to pose a threat.


What is it? I think she's posing as a human.

怎么了 我想她伪装成了人类

All I did was pose as a grieving sister.


And it would be effective, were you to pose a threat to me.

要是你真能威胁到我 这警告才有效

So she was drugged, tortured, posed out there.

就是说 她被人下药 折磨 还摆成了那种姿势

Half of them could be posing as hostages.


You'll have to pose as my bodyguard, not my boyfriend.

你到时扮成我的保镖 而不是男友