
音标/读音 [hәult]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 小林, 林丘

3d pers. sing. pres. of Hold, contr. from holdeth.
n. A piece of woodland; especially, a woody hill.
n. A deep hole in a river where there is protection for fish;
also, a cover, a hole, or hiding place.



Their holt is a hole in the riverbank.


Holt, I thought she didn't want to be in an act.

霍尔特 她不是说不想演出吗

For now, it's time to retreat to the safety of the holt.

应该暂时撤退 回到安全的窝里

Up river, under a road bridge is an otter holt.

在河面与路桥之间 是水獭巢穴

And the mother must still keep them close to the holt.


That poses a particular problem back at the family holt.


They're tucked away in the darkest, safest, corner of the holt.

它们藏在洞穴最黑暗 最安全的角落

He decides to build them a brand new deluxe holt.


Charlie put cameras in the holt so the family could watch them.

查理在他们的穴里放了摄像机 以便整个家庭观察

Holt had 1/2 million good reasons to stay.
