
音标/读音 [kɒ:z]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 原因, 目标
vt. 引起, 使产生, 使遭受

n. events that provide the generative force that is the origin of something
n. a justification for something existing or happening
v. give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally



I don't excuse you 'cause you're hot or 'cause you're blonde or 'cause of what you've got between your legs.

我不会因为你性感而原谅你 或者因为你是金发妹 或者你两腿间藏了什么"名器"

Well, 'cause school can cause stress and stress can cause headaches.

因为学校可能引起压力 而压力会导致头痛

Not 'cause you're a woman 'cause you're my daughter.

不是因为你是女人 因为你是我女儿

'cause I couldn't handle being the one that caused it.


I have joined the cause. I'm running for the cause.

我扛起了大旗 站在最前面

I don't know, 'cause I, 'cause I was afraid.

我不知道 因为我很害怕

Help me out here, 'cause... 'cause I, I don't understand.

帮我理一下思路 因为我不是很明白

'cause I caused them, but for the right reason.

毕竟是我造成的 不过我有正当理由

Not 'cause you're black; 'cause you're good.

不是因为你是黑人 而是因为你出色

Staying together 'cause of the church or 'cause it's expected or 'cause they got nowhere else to go.

在一起不过是为了遵循教义 或为了满足别人的期望 或根本不知道追寻另一种人生