
音标/读音 ['mætiŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 席子, 麻袋, 无光表面

n. a covering of coarse fabric (usually of straw or hemp)



Okay, well, all of the bodies were situated around these six mats the student mats.

好吧 所有尸体都位于这六张毯子周围 这些是学生毯子

When I stepped out of the shower onto the bath mat, that's when I noticed the larger splotch of blood on the bath mat.

当我冲完澡出来 踩在浴室防滑垫上时 我才注意到 防滑垫上有一块更大的血迹

I'm doing both. I went to the mat for you.

我两个都在做 我为了你去和哈尼校长

I used to leave it under the mat for her.


It's not about how you get knocked down to the mat.


It's not about you getting knocked to the mat.


So that could be the teacher's mat, maybe.


Murph, back on your own mat, please.

莫夫 回到你的垫子上 谢谢

With the yoga mats and the flirtatious bickering.

一起背着瑜伽垫 打情骂俏

There was supposed to be a key under the mat for me, but I couldn't find it.

地毯下本该有把留给我的钥匙 但我找不到