
音标/读音 ['læmbә(:)t]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

[计] 兰伯特
[医] 朗伯(亮度单位)

n. a cgs unit of illumination equal to the brightness of a perfectly diffusing surface that emits or reflects one lumen per square centimeter
n. English composer and conductor (1905-1951)



Lambert said the boy was his nephew.


Lambert took care of him like a boss.


Lambert was tracking his boss's movements over the years.

蓝伯特多年来一直 在跟踪老板的行踪

Only gary lambert could see through it somehow, as could the others.

只不过加利能够看得到 也有一些别的人

Or that lambert was telling the truth, and that man was dead before he was gunned down.

蓝伯特说的是实话 他中枪以前已经死了

Lambert was ready for us before we even knew he existed, doc.

兰伯特早在我们知道他之前就准备好了 医生

Lambert not knowing about me's at least one tactical advantage.

兰伯特不知道我的存在 起码算是一项战略优势

Lambert pointed out certain individuals he said had been victimized by pincus.

加利指出 有一些人已经被宾克斯所害

Lambert's profile says she saw all her victims as mercy kills, ending their pain by convincing them to commit suicide.

兰伯特的侧写称 她认为所有的受害者都以死为解脱 她会劝说他们自杀来了解他们的痛苦