
音标/读音 ['græviti]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 地心引力, 重力
[化] 重力

n. (physics) the force of attraction between all masses in the universe; especially the attraction of the earth's mass for bodies near its surface
n. a solemn and dignified feeling



They have artificial gravity there, which means they have some sort of synthetic gravity manipulator.

他们那里有人造重力 这说明他们有某种人造重力操纵器

They would never find an object in all the immensity of space called gravity, because, in point of fact, gravity is nothing but the shape of space itself.

他们不可能在广阔无垠的空间中 找到一个叫做引力的物体 因为 实际上 引力就是空间自己的状况

Like, obviously, gravity is real, but it's still valuable for historians to study the development of discourses around gravity, so we can learn how knowledge is produced and by whom and within what structures.

显然 重力是真的 但历史学家仍有必要 研究重力相关文献的发展 这样我们才能学习知识如何诞生 由谁产生 在何种结构中

What's frustrating with quantum gravity is that previous revolutions in physics, like quantum mechanics, relativity theory, were all brought on by a lot of clues from nature and, for quantum gravity, we have almost no clues at all.

关于量子引力 令人困扰的是 物理学之前的理论 例如量子力学 相对论 这些都是由自然中许多线索引出的理论 但量子引力 我们几乎根本就没有线索

No. It was the gravity that killed him.

不 是地心引力杀掉了他

Out of respect... for the gravity of this situation.

出于尊敬 由于事情重大

You are not appreciating the gravity of this situation.


This town has its own particular gravity.


If you're here, you understand the gravity of the situation.

如果你们在这里 就肯定明白事情的严重性

And no, I don't know why there's gravity on the ship.
