
音标/读音 ['heviweit]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 重量级拳击运动员, (非正式)有影响的要人
a. 最重量级的

n. an amateur boxer who weighs no more than 201 pounds
n. a wrestler who weighs more than 214 pounds
n. a professional boxer who weighs more than 190 pounds



Baby, you don't have to prove that you're some heavyweight just 'cause you're with me.

宝贝 没必要为了和我在一起就试图证明 你也是重量级人物

congratulating the new heavyweight champion of the world.


My heavyweight just snapped his femur during a match.


Absolutely. I'm sure we can lock down a lot of heavyweights.

当然 我们肯定能拉来不少重量级人物

You obviously are, cos you're heavyweight golfing champion of the world.

你肯定是了 因为你是世界级的高尔夫冠军选手

I was gonna be the next light heavyweight champion of the world.


I'm gotta be the first ever fourtime world heavyweight champion.


I favor heavyweight cotton, cold pressed, deckle edged.

我喜欢厚重的棉纸 冷压 毛边

We are here for the most auspicious signing for any heavyweight title match in history, as you all know.

我们在这里见证重量级冠军赛史上 最具有划时代意义的签约

Well, I learned that the former heavyweight champion of the world owns a marijuana store.

我知道了前重量级拳击手世界冠军 拥有一家大麻商店