
音标/读音 ['^estimit]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 瞎猜, 瞎估计

n. an estimate that combines reasoning with guessing
v. estimate based on a calculation



You know, I can guesstimate the value of the items inside the house.

你懂的 我能估计估计 他们房子里有多少值钱的东西

That's in the midst of a long photographic assignment, he's photographing everyday, that eight by ten camera is second nature to him, even though as the story goes, he can't find his light meter and he guesstimates the exposure based upon this cryptic knowledge of the moon reflecting two hundred and fifty candles per square foot.

当时正在拍摄一个漫长的摄影项目 他每天都在拍摄 那台8*10的相机几乎成了他的第二天性 尽管如前文所述 他找不到他的测光表 他还是运用冷门的知识估计了曝光量 月亮反射光的亮度是两百五十英尺烛光