
音标/读音 [.inæk'sesәbl]
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◎ 单词释义

a. 难得到的, 难接近的, 难达成的

a. capable of being reached only with great difficulty or not at all
s. not capable of being obtained



This was once the most inaccessible island in the world.


But she's behind bars, which makes her inaccessible to him.

但她身在监狱 他无从下手

The foothills of this inaccessible range are already developed.


Burma's forests are largely unexplored and inaccessible.

缅甸的森林大部分未经开发 人迹罕至

The last planet we visited was inaccessible by ship.


Aldo's exploring the more inaccessible parts of the bunker.


Mystici* teaches that there is wisdom inaccessible to the intellect.

神秘主义教会我们 就算是智者也有不懂的智慧

I'm heading to a place that's virtually inaccessible during the winter months.

我去的地方 在冬季事实上几乎无法到达

Your data is inaccessible and could prove nearly impossible to recover.

那么你们的数据将无法查询 而且几乎无法恢复

'cause client data is inaccessible until we're back online.

因为只有等重新上线 才能访问客户数据