
音标/读音 [tæm'bɑ:l, 'timbәl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

香烤三味(用鸡、虾、鱼, 加入大量作料, 在鼓形容器内烘烤)

n. individual serving of minced e.g. meat or fish in a rich creamy sauce baked in a small pastry mold or timbale shell
n. small pastry shell for creamy mixtures of minced foods



I have swordfish meatloaf with onion marmalade, rareroasted partridge breast in raspberry coulis with a sorrel timbale.

有剑鱼肉卷配洋葱酱 桑梅汁嫩烤松鸡胸肉 配上酢浆草烤馅饼