
音标/读音 [ә'pәuziŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 对面的, 反对的, 相反的, 相对的

v be against; express opposition to
v fight against or resist strongly
v contrast with equal weight or force
v set into opposition or rivalry
v act against or in opposition to
v be resistant to
s characterized by active hostility



To oppose us is to oppose the natural order.


If only there was someone who could oppose them.


if I was you, I would speak to me, as opposed to them.

如果我是你 我会跟我说 而不是他们

I can't manage this if you oppose me.

但如果你反對我 我是做不到的

I mean as opposed to before when you slept with her.


I do, and I'm not opposed to firing my staff.

真的 而且我不反对解雇员工

But I'mI'm am not opposed to a label.


Those who oppose him are the same people who made him who he is.

现在反对他的人也是过去 造就他的人

When my own hu*and opposed me, I killed him.

在我丈夫反对我时 我杀了他

As many on our side, as opposed to theirs.

要让更多的议员站到我们这边 而非他们那边