
音标/读音 ['iliæk]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 髂骨的, 回肠的
[医] 髂的, 髂骨的

a. of or relating to the ilium



If he bleeds out, we'll know we punctured the iliac.

如果他出血 我们就知道刺到了髂动脉

Okay, you mobilize the kidney, I'll prep the iliac.

好的 你移动肾脏 我来准备髂动脉移植

Spock, this thing punched your iliac region.

斯波克 这东西刺穿了你的腹股沟

I heard you performed an iliac repair in a moving ambulance.


Wilson, either you hit the woman's iliac vein or you didn't.

威尔逊 要么你切到了 要么没切到

Okay, we have to ligate both internal iliacs or she'll start bleeding again.

好了 我们得把两边的髂内动脉结扎好 不然她就又会出血了

gawkiness was caused by an asymmetrical development of the iliac crest.


I repaired the iliac and packed the abdomen, but he needs a formal laparotomy.

我修复了髂动脉 包扎了腹部 但他需要进行正式的剖腹探查

The victim is in his late 20s, but the iliac crest is abnormally thin.

死者应该接近30岁 但他的髂骨却异常的薄

You prep the kidney for implantation, and I'll prep the iliac vessels for anastomosis.

你来准备移植的肾脏 我来准备做髂血管吻合