
音标/读音 [hʌŋk]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 大块
a. 行的, 好的

n. a well-built sexually attractive man
n. a large piece of something without definite shape



Hunks. If I can get my, uh, paws on a hunk, I don't let go.

肌肉男 给我逮到一个 我是不会放过的

Because, on some level, that hunk of junk is you.

因为从某种角度来说 那坨废物就是你

all the percentage there is, and this hunk of concrete in my stomach.

及数据资料 以及心头这块大石

That's a little harsh to say to your hunk.


I'd like to comb your hair, you hunk.

我喜欢梳你的头发 小妞儿

And I'm glad you're leaving him and going with the hunk.

我很高兴你要离开他 去和那个*一起生活

Maybe because I have a beautiful hunk of beef and you don't.

因为我男人身材爆表 帅出宇宙呗

Insulation hunk with roofing tile on it.


Guess that hunk of junk will have to do.


Or maybe a hunk of cement, and ask for your footprint.
