
音标/读音 ['kætʃɔ:l]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 装杂物的容器/地方, 截流器, 总受器, 分沫器

n. an enclosure or receptacle for odds and ends



Well that's sort of a catchall room.


Over the decades, it's become quite a catchall for an assortment of odd birds of the witchy variety.

数十年后 就变成了包罗万象的 魔术鸟类的聚集地

The Illuminati is an organization, a secret organization that any war is the catchall for everything bad in the world anymore.

光明会是一个组织 一个秘密组织 是世界上任何战争 所有坏事的罪魁祸首

Well, psychologically speaking, "crazy" is a catchall for a myriad of pathologies and circumstances, but, yeah, this is nuttier than a fruitcake.

从心理学上来讲 "疯了"涵盖了 许许多多的病状和情况 但是 没错 这事超级疯狂

Our own foundation was set up for just these situations as a kind of emotional and fiscal catchall for you to use as a tool for you to get your conscience out of the way.

我们的基金正是为这种情况设立的 我们不仅接受善心和善款 我们同时也是一种工具 用于消除你们的良心不安

I mean, that was sort of a catchall term for several objects he touched on earth in biblical times, but they're believed to contain traces of his power.

这算是一个概括的统称 指多件他在圣经时期在人间碰触过的物件 但据信这些东西还残留了他的法力