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◎ 单词释义

n. 叶, 树叶, 花瓣, 页
vi. 生叶, 翻书页
vt. 在...上长叶, 翻...的页

n. the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants
n. a sheet of any written or printed material (especially in a manuscript or book)
n. hinged or detachable flat section (as of a table or door)
v. turn over pages



No, I have no need to pluck a single leaf from the tree of life when a leaf is already dead on the branch.

不 根本不需要我 亲手从生命之树上摘除那片叶子 因为它在枝头便已然枯萎

In fact, there are eight different kinds of gold leaf alone on this picture and then many more different kinds of gold paint, and every single thing has been applied in a different way so he has put some gold leaf down flat, other times he's put gold on top of bits of plaster and shellac to create these wonderful jewellike textures.

这幅画里仅金叶就有8个不同种类 还有更多品种的金色颜料 而每一种材料使用的方式也不尽相同 他时而将金叶平铺在画上 时而将金色覆盖于石膏和虫漆上 做出这些精妙的珠宝质感

So, here I have some aphids on a leaf.


some leafturningover It's a big leaf.

关于重新做人 那得是剧变

That wasn't a leaf, that was page one.

那不只是一片叶子 那是第一页

You blew into the world on this leaf.


Wow, a leaf in a park. Imagine that.

公园里的一片叶子 想想看

'cause I'm turning over a new leaf, too.


And murray is but a leaf on my mighty gust.


You know, I'm turning over a new leaf.

我要金盆洗手 重新开始